To talk about violence is forbidden at the Chaos Computer Club.

I have deliberately chosen a provocative title here to draw attention to an unfortunate dynamic that comes with dealing with the topic of interpersonal violence. I want to stimulate reflection and invite people to talk, even if and precisely because the topic is so uncomfortable. Since 2018, I have been working more intensively and more explicitly on the emergence and persistence of violence in society. How victims become perpetrators, of themselves and others, how experiences of violence are passed down through generations and contribute to mental disorders and other illnesses. [Read More]

Toxic Relationships and Narcissistic Abuse Meetup at 37c3

At this meeting at the 37th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, we will collectively explore healing of toxic relationships and narcissistic abuse. We will share experiences, insights, and coping strategies to liberate ourselves from the chains of unhealthy connections, and discuss how we can support others who may still feel trapped in such situations. The objective of this gathering is to promote a sense of solidarity and understanding among individuals who have either overcome the challenges of toxic relationships or are still in the process of processing their experiences. [Read More]

Toxic Relationships in Community

Let's develop better answers together.

“What brings us together is not what we already know, but what we still want to learn. This exchange of knowledge is only possible if we approach each other with an open mind and with an attitude of mutual respect and support. We want to create an environment characterised by tolerance, respect, curiosity, fun, openness to communicate, friendliness and consideration.” – Principles of the Chaos Computer Club I would like to bring attention to a problem in our communities. [Read More]

On Living in a Traumatized Society: Narcissism, Toxic Relationships, and Other Forms of Violence.

My submission for CCCamp23

The lecture, “On Living in a Traumatized Society,” will cover the current state of research on physical, psychological and emotional violence, and its links to traumatic experiences in childhood. A central aspect of the presentation is the role of childhood experiences in the development of violence. Research shows that people who experienced violence in childhood are at higher risk of becoming violent themselves or being trapped in toxic relationships. The traumatic experiences affect the development of self-image, lead to emotional dysregulation, and impair the ability to form healthy relationships. [Read More]

My Goal is Nonviolence.

Inside and outside.

“Communicating non-violently means not only refraining from physical violence and obvious forms of verbal violence, such as threatening someone or calling them names. Accusations, judgments, interpretations, evaluations, analyses, manipulations, advice, praise, etc. are also subtle forms of violence and block real encounters unnoticed.” I cannot undo the past. I can only ask for an apology, and gradually reconcile with myself. I cannot demand to be excused, neither from myself nor from others. [Read More]